Kalimat Aktif dan Kalimat Pasif
- Kalimat Aktif
Kalimat aktif merupakan kalimat yang predikatnya / kata kerjanya
dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan awalan… me …
atau ber … kecuali bila awlannya sudah aus; contoh: sit (=duduk), sleep (=tidur), eat (=makan), dsb.
Aus disini maksudnya sudah tidak dapat di ganggu gugat hehehe...
dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan awalan… me …
atau ber … kecuali bila awlannya sudah aus; contoh: sit (=duduk), sleep (=tidur), eat (=makan), dsb.
Aus disini maksudnya sudah tidak dapat di ganggu gugat hehehe...
- Kalimat Pasif
Kalimat pasif merupakan kalimat yang predikatnya / kata kerjanya dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan awalan … di … / … ter…. Namun demikian, dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat kalimat aktif yang predikatnya/ kata kerjanya dapat diterjemahkan dengan awalan … di … / … ter … bila dalam kalimat aktif tersebut digunakan kata begin (=dimulai), happen (=terjadi),consist of (=terdiri atas), dsb.
Kata Kerja Intransitif dan Transitif
- Kata Kerja Intransitif
- Kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan obyek / tidak memerlukan kata atau kelompok kata lagi di belakangnya sebagai obyek; kata atau kelompok kata di belakangnya, jika ada, hanya sebagai keterangan; contoh : pergi (=go) dsb.
- Kata kerja yang tidak dapat dipasifkan/ kata kerja yang awalannya tidak dapat diubah menjadi awalan di … atau ter … ; contoh salah: pergi yang diubah menjadi dipergi (salah) dsb.
- Kata Kerja Transitif
- Kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek / memerlukan kata / kelompok kata lagi di belakangnya sebagai obyek dan bukan sebagai keterangan; contoh : mengerjakan (=do) dsb.
- Kata kerja yang dapat dipasifkan / yang awalannya dapat diubah menjadi awalan di … atau ter … , contoh: mengerjakan yang diubah menjadi dikerjakan dsb.
- Identifikasi unsur subyek , predikat dan obyek dalam kalimat aktif;
- Bila unsur obyek yang digunakan dalam kalimat aktif kata ganti orang , ubahlah bentuk kata ganti sebagai obyek ke dalam bentuk kata ganti orang sebagai subyek;
- Pindahkan unsur obyek dari kalimat aktif ke letak unsur subyek pada kalimat pasif;
- Bila perlu, pindahkan unsur subyek ke letak unsur agent (by ….);
- Sesuaikan bentuk unsur predikat dengan subyek (agreement) menurut jenis tenses yang digunakan;
- Simple Present
P: predikat AM/IS/ARE +V3 (past participle) (= … di …)
A: Mr. White TEACHES (= mengajar) me English.
P: I AM TAUGHT (= diajar) English by Mr. White.
A: Mr. White TEACHES (=mengajar) him English.
P: He IS TAUGHT (=diajar) English by Mr.White.
A: They TEACH (=mengajar) the students off the college programming languages.
P: The students of the college ARE TAUGHT (= diajar) programming languages.
P: The students of the college ARE NOT TAUGHT (=tidak diajar) programming languages.
P: ARE the students of the college TAUGHT (= Apakah mahasiswa – mahasiswa itu diajar) programming languages?
P: What programming languages (=Bahasa pemograman apa) ARE the students of the college TAUGHT?
P: English IS SPOKEN all over the world.
P: English and Japanese ARE SPOKEN here.
- Present Continuous
P: predikat AM/IS/ARE + BEING+V3 (= … sedang di …).
A: Mr. White IS TEACHING (= sedang mengajar) them English at the moment.
P: They ARE BEING TAUGHT (= sedang diajar) English at the moment.
A: Jono IS FIXING (= sedang memperbaiki) Joni’s laptop right now.
P: Joni’s laptop IS BEING FIXED (=sedang memperbaiki) by Jono right now.
P: IS your laptop BEING FIXED by Jono?
P: My laptop IS NOT BEING FIXED by Jono.
- Simple Past
P: predikat WAS /WERE +V3 (= … di …). WAS dari am dan is; WERE dari are.
A: Mr. Black TAUGHT (= mengajar) me C language at the college last term.
P: I WAS TAUGHT (=diajar) C language by Mr. Black at the college last term.
A: Mr. Black TAUGHT us C language at the college at the college last term.
P: We WERE TAUGHT C language by Mr. Black at the college last term.
P: Ani WAS OFFERED (= ditawari) the job.
P: She WAS GIVEN (=diberi) two hours to make her decision.
P: In the end, the offer (=tawaran) WAS ACCEPTED (=diterima).
P: WAS the job OFFERED to Ani ?
P: Why WAS it OFFERED to her ?
P: Why WASN’T it OFFERED to Ana ?
P: It WAS OFFERED to her, but the offer WAS REFUSED (=ditolak).
P: How much WAS Ani PAID (=dibayar) to do the job ?
P: She WAS PAID very much to do it.
- Past Continuous
P: predikat WAS/WERE + BEING + V3 (= … sedang di …).
A: At 9 o’clock yesterday somebody WAS INTERVIEWING (=sedang wawancara) him for a post at the company.
P:At 9 o’clock yesterday he WAS BEING INTERVIEWING (=sedang diwawancarai) for a post at the company.
A: At 9 o’clock yesterday the computer programmer WAS TESTING the program.
A: At 9 o’clock yesterday the program WAS BEING TESTED by the computer programmer.
A: They WERE TESTING AND DEBUGGING the programs when I came in.
P: The programs WERE BEING TESTED AND DEBUGGED when I came in.
- Present Perfect Tenses
P: predikat HAVE/HAS+BEEN+V3 (=… sudah telah di …).
A: They HAVE INVITED (=telah mengundang) me to the seminar.
P:I HAVE BEEN INVITED (=telah diundang) to the seminar.
A: We HAVE ASKED (=telah minta) him to join us.
P: He HAS BEEN ASKED (=telah diminta) to join us.
A: Somebody HAS DELIVERED (=telah menyampaikan) my order.
P: My order HAS BEEN DELIVERED (= telah disampaikan).
A: Somebody HAS DELIVERED my orders.
- Present Perfect Continuous
P: tidak ada; kalimat pasifnya sama dengan present perfect. (Lihat present perfect).
- Past Perfect
P: predikat HAD + BEEN +V3 (= … sudah /telah di …).
Contoh :
A: When we first met, they HAD OFFERED (=telah menawari) me a job at the bank.
P: When we first met, I HAD BEEN OFFERED (=telah ditawari) a job at the bank.
A: The room looked much better. Somebody HAD CLEANED (=teah membersihkan) it.
P: The room looked much better. It HAD BEEN CLEANED (=telah dibersihkan).
A: Tom didn’t know about the change of the plans. Somebody hadn’t told (=belum memberitahu) him.
P: Tom didn’t know about the change of the plans. He hadn’t been told (=belum dberitahu).
- Past Perfect Continuous
P:tidak ada; kalimat pasifnya sama dengan past perfect. (lihat past perfect)
- Future
P:predikat WILL/CAN/MAY/MUST + BE V3 (=… akan/dapat, mungkin/harus di…).
A: They WILL/CAN/MAY/MUST SOLVE (= akan,dapat/mungkin/ harus memecahkan) this problem soon.
P: This problem WILL/CAN/MAY/MUST BE SOLVED (=akan/dapat/mungkin/harus dipecahkan) soon.
A: They WILL ASK (=akan menanyakan) you a lot of questions at the interview.
P: You WILL BE ASKED (=akan ditanya) a lot of questions at the interview.
P: A decision WILL NOT BE MADE until the next meeting.
P: You WILL BE GIVEN the answer next week.
- Future Continuos
P: tidak ada,; kalimat pasifnya sama dengan future. (lihat future)
- Future Perfect
P: predikat WILL + HAVE+BEEN+V3(=… sudah/telah/di…).
A: By next month they WILL HAVE FINISHED the work.
P: By next month the work WILL HAVE BEEN FINISHED.
- Future Perfect Continuous
P: tidak ada; kalimata pasifny sama dengan future perfect. (lihat future perfect).
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